"The exploration of large datasets is often limited by our own imagination, not by the data."

                                                                                                                        *- Brice Ménard*

This is a graduate course at NTU taught by Ting-Wen Lan 藍鼎文

This course is designed for graduate students who have just started to conduct astronomical research. It will cover various topics from the principle of scientific methods, data visualization, basic data analysis techniques, to modern machine learning methods with a specific focus on applications in astronomy. Hands-on exercises with state-of-the-art astronomical datasets and current research questions will be included.

The goal of this course is to equip students with essential data analysis skill sets and concepts for conducting astronomical research.

(The cover: Northern Hemisphere of the sky as seen by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Stellar streams stick out from the vast number of stars in this view, of which most lie within the Milky Way disk. The Palomar 5 stream is the densest of the stellar streams discovered so far and turned out to be a perfect scale and yardstick for our understanding of the Milky Way. Credit: Ana Bonaca https://phys.org/news/2015-06-stars-infer-mass-milky.html)

課綱是目前暫定版 有可能變動

Course number 課號: AsPhys7021 244 M1220

Time 上課時間: (二) 2, 3, 4 (Tuesday 9:10 - 12:00)

Location 上課地點: 天數 812

Github: https://github.com/astro-blue/Data-analysis-in-astronomy-2022

Course information: https://tinyurl.com/data-analysis-astro-2022

Syllabus 課程大綱

Screen Shot 2021-09-28 at 7.43.18 AM.png

Schedule 課程每週內容

Note that the schedule is subject to change depending on the condition of the class.
